I began imaging the Magnificent Heavens in 2003 under the light-polluted skies of southern New Jersey.  We then moved to Ball Ground, GA in 2008 under the dark skies of Northern Georgia. 

Most of my images originate from my 10-foot Pro-Dome observatory, the J. Stephen Schmidt observatory, which is equipped with a Software Bisque Paramount MX+ mount.  I also acquire images from various locations in our 2.25-acre yard using either a Celestron Advanced VX mount or a SkyWatcher Star Adventurer mount.

I have been married to my incredible wife, Suzanne, for 42 years.  We have two wonderful children, Brad and Tiffany, and two amazing grandchildren, Lena and Henry, all of whom live in New Jersey.

I hope you enjoy my website as I endeavor to capture the beauty of our Magnificent Heavens.